About us

For more than a decade, Promoting Independence has been providing comprehensive programmes for health, social care and housing professionals involved in enabling older and disabled people to live independently. Stuart Barrow is the passionate founder of Promoting Independence who identified a need for improved awareness and knowledge in the occupational therapy field and created a range of programmes designed to promote greater independence.

The flagship OTAC programme of events started in Reading in 2017 and has grown to become a mainstay of the occupational therapy calendar. Occupational Therapy Adaptations Conferences (OTAC) take the latest equipment and leading speakers in the field of adaptations to locations around the UK in a year-round programme. This programme reaches hundreds of practitioners every year who in turn are able to provide a better service to their patients and service users improved the lives of thousands of people.

With a solid foundation in clinical practice and specialist expertise in the accessible home environments, Promoting Independence undertakes in-home assessments for both families and care and housing providers. This work benefits from the strong industry connections gained from our wider work and this current practice informs the team about the evolving needs of assessors and practitioners which in turn informs the development of future events and training programme offered UK-wide.

In 2023 Promoting Independence will launch a range of training courses devised and run by the team that created the leading Trusted Assessor programme in the industry. Offering both Trusted Assessor and related courses, the programme will be offered UK-wide. For more information about events, training, assessment services and other programmes dealing with independent living please contact the Promoting Independence team, we love collaborating.

Our other services

OTAC Events

The Occupational Therapy Adaptations Conferences (OTAC) are a year-round programme of leading events designed for OTs and other healthcare and housing professionals involved in assessing for home adaptations.

Training and Accreditation

New for 2023 Promoting Independence is delighted to be introducing a range of industry leading training courses featuring Trusted Assessor and related topics.

Independent Living Assessments

For older and disabled people looking to stay in their current home or move to a new one, clear and specific advice about adaptations can remove the barriers to living independently.

Home Visits

Do you or someone you care for have issues with accessing their home? Would you benefit from an at home detailed assessment by a specialist in adaptations?